Hey guys!
Well this post is about good news and bad news. So which first? Bad news of course. The bad news is the cartoon that is up coming ( Level American Nooby) will not be done for a while. Here's why. Over the past week I have had a lot of problems with my vocal cords. Yeah... Mah "Voc'S"... and well turns out that I am pretty sick. Eventually I will get over this but, its going to take like 2 weeks. Which means I cannot record my beatuful voice. Towards next week I will try to, but for now if anything we need some voice actors. Anyone willing to do free voice work? Please let me know and I will see if I can get you a part. ( most likely yes) Eventually the voice work will not be free and we will be paying you ( HOORAY FOR JOBS!) so yeah it is a good idea to do this. Let me know jwalexander22@gmail.com
Everything is going swell! ( lawl swell, im a nubb) One of the logo's for it is pretty nifty and I might post a screeny in a few day's(**SUNDAY**) The character development is also going well as the the first seasons script. I am deciding to make this my first main series ( my goal for this year). We shall see how it progresses if not I have other ideas... yeah so look forward to that. ALSO website? Ehh im not saying anything or making promises... but forums I can tell you will be out a week before the first episode is done? Or maybe when the episode is done? Who know's...
So for those who would be willing to do some free voicework. PM ME. or email me.( If i did not already say that ) and yeah. Everyone have a great day